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Welcome to VeConVen

Vector Borne Disease Control Network - Venezuela

VeConVen is a research network driven by discovering innovative approaches for vector-borne diseases surveillance and control in Venezuela and the surrounding region. The network is funded by the UK government Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) which is dedicated to address the challenges faced by developing countries.

VeConVen is lead by Network Director Prof. Mario Grijalva (Ohio University & Pontificial Catholic University of Ecuador) and Network Co-director Prof. Martin Llewellyn (University of Glasgow).


Details of past and present project meetings are included here 


Spare lab equipment or consumables?


In VeConVen, we believe used (good condition) lab equipment and consumables will have a good use to continue scientific research in Venezuela.

We will be truly thankful for your donations!

Network Partners

VeConVen is an open network and currently comprises over 20 researchers in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Europe and the USA

The network includes clinicians, molecular biologists, epidemiologists, entomologists, modellers, social scientists and many more




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